From April 1-30, let your library card open the doors of Connecticut libraries by participating in the Passport to Connecticut Libraries Program! It is open to adults and children, so everyone can explore the amazing diversity of our public libraries. All you need is your library card.
Begin by visiting your local participating library (that’s us!) to pick up your Passport. They will stamp it and possibly give you a token gift to get you started. Take your Passport and your library card with you when you visit other participating libraries and collect stamps as you go. (Please note that not all Connecticut libraries are participating and not all participating libraries will have gifts.)
If you visit at least 5 participating libraries and return your Passport to a participating library by May 10, 2024, you will be entered into a state-wide drawing for a chance to win a $200 Visa gift card for adults (18 and up) and a $200 Visa gift card for children (17 and under). There will be 4 winners: one child and one adult from a random drawing from all returned Passports with at least 5 separate library stamps, and the one child and one adult who visited the most libraries/received the most stamps.
For more information, please call us: 860-693-5800