Library Board of Trustees
Click here for the Library Board of Trustees bylaws.
The Library Board of Trustees consists of 10 members: 9 are appointed by the Board of Selectmen, while 1 is ex-officio (without power to vote) by virtue of serving as President of the Friends of the Canton Public Library. The term of office for each trustee is 4 years, with the exception of the ex-officio trustee, whose term on the Board lasts as long as his/her term of office as President of the Friends.
The Library Board’s function is to:
- Adopt policies, goals, and objectives for the operation of the library
- Monitor and review the operations of the library
- Develop with the Library Director an annual operating and capital budget to be presented to the Chief Administrative Officer for review
- Participate in the selection of a Library Director with the Chief Administrative Officer of the town
- Consult and advise the Chief Administrative Officer, Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, and other town officials and employees regarding the use of past and future gifts and bequests made to the library (subject to acceptance of all gifts by the Board of Selectmen, as required by the Town Charter) and the operation of the library.
Members of the Library Board of Trustees are:
Barbara Davis
Joanna Eickenhorst
Christopher Hager
Karen Manternach
Karol McAllister, Chair
Amy Porri
Beth Vrabel
Zoe Tyo
Jill Evenski, Friends President
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the second Wednesday of every month* at the Canton Public Library and Community Center. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Program Room.
*Meetings are held during July and August only if necessary.
Prior and current Agendas and Minutes are found on the town website under Library Board of Trustees with other Boards and Commissions of the town.