The library provides free access to a variety of electronic resources.

Mobile App

Access our catalog and resources. Find out about events.

ebooks, Audiobooks, Videos, Music, News & Magazines... we've got it all.


Monday: 10am-8pm
Tuesday: 10am-8pm
Wednesday: 10am-8pm
Thursday: 10am-8pm
Friday: 10am-5pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm (September 3-May 17)
Curbside pickup available during open hours

Become a Friend

The Friends of the Canton Public Library is a not-for-profit organization that provides volunteers, special programs, and financial assistance to enhance library programs.

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Canton Public Library • 40 Dyer Avenue • Canton, CT 06019 • 860-693-5800 • Fax 860-693-5804