The library will be reopening for limited hours starting the week of July 6, 2020. Our hours for this first phase of reopening will be:
Tuesday: 10am-1pm
Wednesday: 3pm-7pm
Thursday: 10am-1pm
Visiting the library will be a little different than what you are used to. Here are some of the changes you should expect to see:
Grab and Go services: The library is open for browsing. Please come in for a quick visit to check out materials to take home. (Our new book section, in particular, is stuffed to bursting right now!) No seating, newspapers, toys, or play areas are available. Curbside pickup will continue to be available five days a week for any patrons who prefer to get their items that way.
Due dates: Our normal 1-, 2-, and 3-week loan periods (depending on item type) are in effect. No overdue fines are being charged at this time, but we ask you to please continue to follow all due dates on items checked out. Please note that all materials are being quarantined for 72 hours upon return so will not be removed from your account immediately.
Returning materials: The exterior book drop (located next to the front entrance) is open as usual. Inside, we have moved the return bin away from the circulation desk; it is now located in the lobby area.
Masks: All library users over the age of 2 MUST wear a face covering when inside the library. If you are unable to wear a face covering please take advantage of our Curbside Pickup service. If you are experiencing any symptoms consistent with COVID-19, do not enter the library.
Social distancing: Please maintain a 6-foot distance between yourself and other library users or staff. All directional signage and floor markings must be followed. If capacity is reached in any area of the library, staff may limit the number of users.
All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Plexiglass safety barriers are in place at all public service desks. Please help keep our staff safe by remaining behind these barriers.
Computer services are limited and may be restricted due to capacity. Staff assistance may be limited due to social distancing guidelines.
Library and Department of Public Works staff are working hard to ensure the cleanliness of the facility. All touchpoints and restrooms are cleaned multiple times daily.
No donations are being accepted at this time and any donations left anywhere on the Library/Community Center premises will be discarded. The Friends book sale is cancelled for 2020.
The Town of Canton and the library reserve the right to change, limit, or reduce hours and services at any time if public health conditions or state guidelines change.