Book Groups

Canton Public Library currently hosts three monthly book discussion groups for adults. All adults are welcome to join these groups for a single discussion or as a regular member. We borrow multiple copies of the month’s selection in regular print, large print, and audio whenever possible. Please let us know your individual needs.

  • Monday Evening Group meets on the second or third Monday at 7:00 pm. This group reads mostly timely and popular fiction and nonfiction.
  • Science Book Discussion meets at 11:00 am on the second or third Saturday. The selections are always current nonfiction though on a wide variety of science topics.
  • Mystery Lovers Group meets at a local restaurant for the discussion. Please check the library’s website for the meeting time and place. Most selections are mystery novels though this group reads some true crime as well.

Click here for current meeting dates and times.

Our staff is happy to support independent book discussions by ordering copies for your individual members, helping to choose reading lists and providing resources for discussion questions and topics. Please give us 3-4 weeks’ notice so we can get copies in a timely manner for your discussion. Some very new fiction may not be available to borrow in quantity.

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Canton Public Library • 40 Dyer Avenue • Canton, CT 06019 • 860-693-5800 • Fax 860-693-5804