Health Resources
General Sites
MedlinePlus provides information on a variety of health topics. You can find information on medications, medical tests, genetics, and clinical trials. It includes an extensive medical encyclopedia.
Cleveland Clinic Health Library includes information on diseases, treatments and procedures, medication, tests, and symptoms. provided by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Quality and trusted medical advice and information in easy to understand language.
Farmington Valley Health District COVID 19 Local information on testing options, vaccination eligibility, multiple vaccine scheduling options, and community resources.
Connecticut COVID-19 Response Information on testing, vaccinations, statistics, travel advisories, and more. This site is co-sponsored by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Federal Emergency Management (FEMA). Get the latest information on how to protect yourself and others and what to do if you get sick.
Drugs, Herbs, and Supplements
MedlinePlus: Drugs, Herbs, and Supplements Learn about your prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, herbs, and dietary supplements. Includes side effects, dosage, special precautions, drug interactions and more. Patient friendly language.
Alternative Health and Complementary Medicine
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Scientifically researched information on a wide variety of alternative health treatments including supplements and herbs, information on pain treatment and how to be an informed consumer.
Diet and Nutrition
MyPlate Learn about food groups and healthy food choices. Find healthy recipes. Get a food plan and tips for eating well on a budget. Includes information for all stages of life.
Eat Right: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Information on food safety, nutrition for all ages, eating healthy during pregnancy, and exercise. Run by dieticians, this site is especially good at providing nutrition information for different health concerns and conditions, including food allergies and intolerances
Children, Teens, and Parenting Information on the parenting, health, and development of children of all ages brought to you by the American Academy of Pediatricians.
Young Men’s Health A website for teen guys and young men featuring up-to-date health information. Here, you can find answers to your questions, health guides, & more!
Center for Young Women’s Health An award-winning health website for young women. Here, you can find answers to your questions, health guides, chats, & more!
Older Adults
National Institute on Aging Provides information on a wide variety of health concerns especially for older people.
Talking with Your Doctor Part of the National Institute on Aging website. This page helps you prepare for a medical appointment, discuss sensitive topics, manage your medications, choose a new doctor, and coordinate help from family caregivers.
Eldercare Locator Find help in your community. This service connects you to services for older adults and their families.
Cancer The site for the American Cancer Society. This comprehensive website offers a wealth of information in English and Spanish to patients/survivors, their families and caregivers, and the public.
Medical Librarian’s Association Recommended Websites for Cancer Information is a comprehensive list of vetted websites dealing with Cancer. Includes resources for Caregivers, Patients and Consumers, links to clinical trials and research information among other topics.
Mental Health
National Institute on Mental Health Provides information on a wide variety of mental illnesses, information on how to access treatment, and information on clinical trials.
Other Resources
Medical Librarian’s Association Top Websites is a list of recommended general health websites, as well as websites on Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Eye Disease, Heart Disease, HIV/Aids, and Stroke.