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Latest Past Programs

Science Friday – Touch Tank Table visiting from the Maritime Aquarium!

Canton Public Library 40 Dyer Avenue, Canton

This week is the VERY LAST Science Friday of the Summer! We're having special guests come with a very special table - A Touch Tank Center from the Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk.  It's a supervised touch tank experience, with educators from the Aquarium.  Includes tidepool creatures such as crabs, snails, whelks and clams.  It willRead more ›

Make a Memory, Record a Story!

Canton Public Library 40 Dyer Avenue, Canton

Film yourself reading a children's story using our iPad Studio Space, created for our storytimes during the lockdowns! Miss Meg will guide you through the recording process, and we'll send you a copy of your recording to keep as a treasured memory of the summer of 2023. Note: Book Buddies will have the option ofRead more ›

Science Fridays

Canton Public Library 40 Dyer Avenue, Canton

The fifth summer of our explosively popular “drop-in” program for families of kids ages 3 - 11. Our teen Science Buddy volunteers bring science exploration to life. New themes and projects each week, including: discovery kits, tinkering projects, science experiments, on-site demonstrations, and more. You may get messy, and parents should definitely expect to participate!

Inclement weather policy: If Canton schools or afterschool activities are cancelled for weather-related reasons, so too are events for teens and children at the Canton Public Library. The library is often still open, please contact us with questions or concerns at 860.693.5800.

Canton Public Library • 40 Dyer Avenue • Canton, CT 06019 • 860-693-5800 • Fax 860-693-5804