Most colleges consider a student’s SAT or ACT score to be one of the most important factors when making admissions decisions – there’s no denying that a great score can help you get into a top college. C2 education we will host four test prep sessions (2 SAT and 2 ACT) to help maximize your score and chances of earning admission to your dream college.
These virtual 2-hour SAT/ACT sessions will include an overview of the exam and a breakdown of each specific section. We will discuss format, timing, question types, and testing strategies. We will then move on to targeted practice questions to help familiarize students with the content of the test.
Inclement weather policy: If Canton schools or afterschool activities are cancelled for weather-related reasons, so too are events for teens and children at the Canton Public Library. The library is often still open, please contact us with questions or concerns at 860.693.5800.