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Black Bears in Connecticut

January 25, 2022 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Canton Public Library will host a free Zoom presentation, Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., called “Black Bears in Connecticut,” by expert wildlife biologist, Paul Colburn.

After centuries of often antagonistic relationships with black bears, and a once serious reduction in their population, the number of bears in Connecticut is now rising as the state forestland habitat expands. In Paul’s presentation he will cover the natural history of black bears in Connecticut, an overview of black bear habitat, diet, behavior, reproduction and current research efforts. He’ll also provide practical recommendations for optimum coexistence with our black bear population. Related bear artifacts will be displayed and described for the audience.

Our presenter, Paul Colburn is a 2015 graduate of the Master Wildlife Conservationist Program (MWCP) and a certified Master Wildlife Conservationist (MWC). The MWCP is a Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) adult education program that trains volunteers in the fields of wildlife management, natural history and interpretation.  Mr. Colburn is an avid outdoorsman, a graduate of Wesleyan University and served honorably in the U.S. Army. His website, https://paulcmwcpinct.wixsite.com/website, provides more information and useful “Learn More” links.

We invite you to participate on Tuesday, January 25, at 6:30 pm on Zoom, through a link we email to you. The program is free. To register, please call the library at 860-693-5800 or email kbunn@townofcantonct.org.


January 25, 2022
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Inclement weather policy: If Canton schools or afterschool activities are cancelled for weather-related reasons, so too are events for teens and children at the Canton Public Library. The library is often still open, please contact us with questions or concerns at 860.693.5800.

Canton Public Library • 40 Dyer Avenue • Canton, CT 06019 • 860-693-5800 • Fax 860-693-5804