Computer and Internet Use Policy
The Canton Public Library provides computers through which patrons may access the Internet, electronic mail, library software, and electronic information resources. This policy establishes the rules of use for those computers, as well as for all patron-owned devices which are used to access the library’s wireless network.
- There is no charge to use the library’s public computers.
- Public computers are available on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
- Users are required to register for computer use in a manner determined by the library.
- Usage sessions are limited to one (1) hour whenever other patrons are waiting.
- Users are reminded that not all sources on the Internet provide information that is accurate, complete, current, or legal. Moreover, materials of a controversial or mature nature may be accessed easily. The library is unable to monitor or control the information obtained through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for it.
- The library recognizes users’ rights to privacy. However, Internet security is technically difficult to achieve. The library is not responsible for loss or damage to a user resulting from a breach of privacy. Users who access or release personal information do so at their own risk.
- Library computers may be used for lawful purposes only. Illegal acts involving library computers may be subject to criminal prosecution.
- Pornographic information and/or images may not be accessed.
- Users should not attempt to violate computer security systems, nor attempt to access the hard drive, files, networks, or other computer systems of the library.
- Users should not attempt to change computer settings put in place by the library staff.
- Users may not install or download software or files, nor may they store any data, on the library’s computers. Those who wish to download information may make print-outs on the library’s printers or, for storage purposes, they may purchase flash drives at the Information Desk.
- Users who access audio on electronic devices should use ear buds or headphones. Ear buds may be purchased at the Information Desk, or patrons may bring their own ear buds or headphones.
- The library reserves the right to limit the number of persons who may use the same computer at the same time.
- The library reserves the right to request that a knowledgeable adult accompany and assist any child under the age of ten (10) who wishes to use a library computer.
- Parents and guardians of children under the age of eighteen (18) are strongly advised to supervise their children’s computer usage. The decision as to whether content found online is appropriate for a minor’s viewing rests with the parents or guardians.
The library staff may observe use of the public computers to ensure that this policy and appropriate standards of behavior are maintained. Library privileges may be suspended for misuse of or damage to equipment, for behavior that is disruptive to the operation of the library or to its patrons, and for any inappropriate behavior deemed to be a violation of library policy.
Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees, September 11, 2013