For the last year, you have had the opportunity to “Be a Nutmeg Reader” and earn collectible book badges for reading the 2022 Nutmegs. Now any tween or teen, grades 4 and up, who have earned at least 10 badges will be invited to attend a special lock-in event at the library.
The movie starts around 7:30 p.m. Games include live, late-night Hide-and-Seek in the stacks, and loads of additional fun activities, run by Teen Librarian Meghan Glasgow, and library programmer Sarah Prattson. Snacks are included (but not dinner).
Cannot attend or not comfortable coming to an in-person event at the library? We will provide you with your own party in a bag to use in the comfort of your own home.
Inclement weather policy: If Canton schools or afterschool activities are cancelled for weather-related reasons, so too are events for teens and children at the Canton Public Library. The library is often still open, please contact us with questions or concerns at 860.693.5800.